Community Infrastructure Center

Creating access to the expertise, training, capital and partnership networks required to advance your community infrastructure project.


The Importance of Predevelopment

As communities face a once-in-a-generation funding opportunity to invest in Community Scale Infrastructure, many leaders are grappling with questions around preparing for these funding opportunities, advancing their projects, and creating a plan to get shovel-worthy projects to "shovel-ready". The necessary activities required to advance a project may be particularly challenging for under resourced or traditionally underserved communities. For these communities struggling to jumpstart local economies and create investment-ready projects, the critical funding gap is catalytic predevelopment capital. Predevelopment pays for tasks that need to be completed before project construction can begin, such as economic feasibility studies, site acquisition costs, architectural and engineering work, and permitting.


Platform Resources

Lessons and Collateral

The Center aims to provide the necessary resources to help communities achieve a shovel-ready status for their projects. To do this we aim to provide a curriculum focused on predevelopment activities that address all potential bottlenecks. Through expert-crafted lessons and written materials we hope all participants of the Community Infrastructure Center can get closer to deployment.

Monthly Community of Practice

The monthly Community of Practice of Call will be a chance to bring our network of project developers, investors, and community leaders to the table to discuss the most relevant information in the predevelopment world. During these meetings we will convene our network for monthly updates and resource sharing. These calls will take place every first Tuesday of the month.

Program Office Hours

With the help of experts from all areas of infrastructure and predevelopment, we will be offering a chance to get their knowledge around your project and selected program track. They will have office hours, where CIC participants can sign up and get their expertise on a range of topics related to their field.